Copyright rules in Brazil
Get to grips with the framework of copyright law in Brazil with the 2018 TerraLex Cross-Border Copyright Guide.
What are the main sources of copyright law in Brazil?
The main source of copyright legislation in Brazil is the Law No. 9610 of 19 February 1998 (LDA), which regulates copyright and neighbouring rights.
The LDA is the result of the Brazilian Government's effort to adapt previous Brazilian copyright law to the provisions of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Besides the LDA, Brazilian Federal Constitutions and infra-constitutional laws have established the protection of copyright since 1827.
Brazil is also a signatory of the revised Berne Convention (ratified in Brazil in 1975) and of TRIPs (ratified in Brazil in 1994).
To find out more about subsistence of copyright, ownership, infringement, remedies, enforcement and copyright reform in Brazil, download the full chapter below.
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